Jumat, 04 Maret 2011

$100 Million Moon Trip: Space Tourism's Hot Ticket?

Victoria Gilman
National Geographic News
August 10, 2005

Working with Russian space officials, a private firm plans to sell a flyby trip to the moon. Price per passenger: 100 million dollars (U.S.).

If the plan takes off, two space tourists and their pilot would spend 10 to 21 days crammed in a passenger car-size Soyuz space module.

The length of the trip depends on whether it includes a stop at the International Space Station.
Space Adventures, based in Arlington, Virginia, today announced their agreement with the Russian Aviation and Space Agency for a lunar look-see—the latest, most ambitious trip offered to private space tourists.
Organizers say the trip could launch in three to four years.

Citizen astronauts able and willing to cover the sky-high cost of the spaceflight would first have to undergo six to eight months of extensive training and mission preparation.

"This is an expedition, not a trip to the beach," said Space Adventures chief executive Eric Anderson. "Sure they're private citizens. But they're also explorers, like the people who first climbed Mount Everest."
In addition to learning how to control the Soyuz module, the space tourists would train for a host of tasks said to advance science and space knowledge.

Duties might include conducting onboard experiments, taking digital images, and collecting data on space phenomena, according to Anderson.
After the training period, the "crew" would take off from Kazakhstan aboard a Russian-designed Soyuz rocket.
Soviet engineers designed the Soyuz in the 1960s for unmanned missions to the moon. The craft has since been modified to send cosmonauts to the various Russian space stations.

"The Russian vehicles are fairly small," noted John Spencer, founder and president of the Space Tourism Society, a Los Angeles-based nonprofit that seeks to boost private space travel.

Rabu, 02 Maret 2011

Biology : Work Safety in the laboratory

Natural science laboratory is one of very important facilities at school. It is a place to do an experiment. There are instruments and materials to do an experiment but we have to be careful in using that istruments and materials while working at the laboratory.
To avoid an accident, we need to recognize possible dangers that may happen when we work at the laboratory. Some potential danger in natural science laboratory include fire, poisoned and broken instruments
1. Instrument treatment method
    a. Treating glassware instruments
        1) Carry the glassware carefully using both hands
        2) Keep the glassware instruments in safe place or cabinet
        3) Do not frequently move or remove fragile glassware
        4) If we use a glassware burner, choose the one that is made of good quality glass
    b. Treating electricity or electric instruments
        1) Keep the instruments and electric installation away from water sprinkling in order to avoid short    current connection
        2) Electric installation such as cables, connectors, switchers and electric sockets needed to be checked routinely to see whether they are good condition
        3) When using electronic instruments
             - Check the required voltage before turning on the instruments
             - Understand the procedure of operating the instruments before using
        4) When keeping the instruments
             - Make sure the instruments are in off mode
             - Take out the battery ( if it is powered by battery )
             - Keep the instruments in a dry place, away from water sprinkling
         5) Keep the electronic instruments from shaking and collision

Selasa, 01 Maret 2011

Biology : Supporting instruments for observation

What are supporting instruments needed for obsevating biological object???
Observation not only in the laboratory but also in the field or nature
1. Supporting instruments in the field

a. Binoculars
    Binoculars are used for field observation. It is used to observe a long distance object such as bird behavior, eating pattern of deer or type of birds

b. Cameras
    Cameras has been used by researches to record their researched object. Besides for research, a camera also be used for nature photography. With camera, a scientific evidence of organism discovery or natural event can be seen clearly

c. Thermometers
    It is a instrument to measure temperature. It contain either hydragyrum or alcohol that function to indicate the low or high level of temperature.

d. Ph Meter
    It is an instrument to measure level of acidity of liquid or soil where the observation is conducted. Litmus paper can also used to measure acidity level
  2. Supporting instruments in the laboratory

a. Dissecting kits
    It is instruments that used to observe anatomy of animals or plants. The material are follow :
    1. Dissection boards   
    2. Disecting needles  

    3. Specimen bottles
    4. Dissecting forceps curved
    5. Dissecting forceps angular
    6. Scalpels
    7. Sucking paper
    8. Curved pincers
    9. Angular pincers
    10. Surgical scissors
    11. Loupes
     12. Chloroform to anesthetize the animal
b. Loupes
    It is simplest magnifier. It has one lens. It can mignify an object between 2 and 20 times
c. Microscopes
    Microscope was invented by Antonie van leeuwenhoek. It was simple microssope. It can magnify an object between 10 or 100 times only.
Microscope in school usually use in light microscope

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